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The Fortune Telling Card

Hello Everyone :)
So last week, in my EAP class, My lecture gave us a game called the fortune telling card.Here my fortune telling card result. 

Here I would like to share you guys about the fortune telling card that I got. The first card that I took was queen and it described about my past. The card said that I'm an affectionate, caring and kind advice women. And it indicated a mother figure. I'm about to believe this card because some of my friends tell me that I'm a caring and loving women, and I do love children. So it fits me but  the thing is it represented my past, well I'm still a caring and loving women and I do love children until now. So I just do not really believe it.
My second card was three spades and it described my present. The card said about the breaking of relationship especially because of the third person. I do not really know wether my relationship that will break because of the third person or I will be the third person that break someone's relationship. However, I do not trust this because I do not like to disturb someone's relationship and if someone is disturbing my relationship I will take it as a warn that I have to end up that relationship. So there will be no third person.
My last card was nine spades and it described my future.  The card told me that I will get illness, accident, bad luck and I will be in my personal low. I was shocked and I totally do not trust this card. In other hand, I just take it as a warn that I have to take care of my health since I know my immune system is not really strong. For the bad luck, I just believe in ALLAH SWT. He is the only one that knows what will happen, and I  believe that everyone in this earth will have their up and down time. If I will be in my personal low, that's going to be okay. It's just a part of my life journey and nothing last forever.  If now I'm in my comfort zone and I have everything, I also have to be ready to fall because it will not be forever though.
Well, thanks for the fortune card Ms.Adhesti. I do not believe in such kind of thing but I take it as the reminder that I have to take care with my body and ready for everything that will happen to me.
